The DAL-LAGO Company is a new sister company of DLC Consulting s.r.l Italy which was incorporated in 2020 with a strategy to offer technology partnership worldwide…
For the first time in the history of precast technology industry DAL-LAGO brings the opportunity for the precast manufacturers to become Territorial Exclusive Technology Partner Agreement for any available city/territory*
The most advanced slab system used in both residential and commercial buildings.
Domus Dry is the most advanced precast system for housing where elements are connected with dry assembled mechanical devices
Pandal is most innovative precast system for commercial and high rise buildings
ONDAL is the last and the most advanced precast system for industrial roofing patented under the surname Dal Lago since 1988
Customdal is the name given to any customized precast element / structure that can be designed by our structural design team in Italy
For the first time in the history of precast technology industry DAL-LAGO brings the opportunity for the precast manufacturers to become Territorial Exclusive Technology Partner Agreement for any available city/territory*
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