Precast system for housing
- DOMUS DRY® is the most advanced prec ast system for housing patented by DLC consulting
- The elements are connecte d with dry- assembled me chanic al devices that provide high speed of assemblage
- Exceptional realisation speed and turnkey delivery of the finished construction with elements provided in factory with finishes and MEP equipment
- High composition and distribution flexibility
- The load- bearing wall structure is engineered in order to attain great lightness
- Coupled wall- frame structures in combination with the Pandal ® system
- Low m3 of concrete per m2 of construction ratio
- Long spans
DOMUS DRY® is the newest and most advanced precast system for residential use patented by DLC consulting after the experience gained in over 40 years with large panel (Briona) and three -dimensional element ( ELLE) systems. The system has been developed and patented after 15 years of technologi cal improvements and investigations , through the process optimisation with dry- assembl age of structural elements and functional blocks, complete d in factory with finishes and facilities.
The DOMUS DRY® system allows the realisation of a wide range of fully prefabricated buildings from single- family houses up to tower buildings with high flexibility of c omposition, revolutionary architectural design and distribution due to the absence of structural walls and columns inside the apartments. The system i s made by pre-stressed R.C. single hollow – core slab elements ( Domus® slab) which make a flat ceiling .
Their top spacing is closed by ribbed R.C. plates. Lightened Master ® bearing walls in R.C. sustain the gravity and horizontal loads. The façade is made with R.C. cladding panels, typically horizontal, or with other cladding typologies. The system is completed with complementary elements and functional blocks. It can be used in combination with the Pandal ® system to build combined wall/frame structures for residential or tertiary use. The system is characterised by a m 3 of concrete over m 2 of construction referred to the finished building of down to 0,26. The low number of elements ensures a high speed of assemblage . Its light weight allows appreciable savings in materials and the production in factory guarantees a high quality of the product . The DOMUS DRY® system allows to attain structural spans up to 12 m long by using pre-stresse d slab elements.
The Domus ® slab is an element in pre- stressed R.C. with lower flange having standard width of 2, 4 m. Its shape allows high stiffness and flexural- torsional resistance with reduced thickness and consequent great lightness. It is used to create decks having flat extrados and intrados. The Domus ® slab elements are mounted side by side and connected together. Ribbed R.C. plates pla ced on special recesses left on the upper edge of the slab element close the floor. The Domus ® slab is produced with a depth of up to 350 mm. The ribs are extended at the edges for the installation in proper recesses left in the Master ® walls. The slab can cover spans of up to 12 m. The positioning of the pre -stressing tendons allows to obtain a high fire resistance.
- High lightness
- Slab with flat soffit and floor
- Pre-definition of the MEP equipment passages inside the hollow cores of the slab
- Long spans
- High fire resistance
- Internal Master wall
- External Master wall
- Foundation beam
- DOMUS slab
- Ribbed plates
- Cladding panel
- Elevator block
- Ramp
- Bath block
MASTER® load-bearing walls
- The Master ® walls support the slabs and c an be combined to make bracing cores
- The walls are connected with mechanical connections
- The walls c an be placed on the perimeter of the building
- The foundations are partially precast with c ast-in- situ c ompletion pouring of the lower portion
The bearing walls are made by entirely precast R.C. Master® elements with vertical lightning cavities . Ea ch wall modulus has the height of one storey and length up to 12,60 m. The Master ® walls of the Domus Dry ® series are produced in special high precision moulds with removable cores. The moduli are vertically juxtaposed and connected with the Kaptor ® mechanical device and c an be horizont ally connected with rigid or dissipative connections to make bracing c ores.
The walls can also be arranged on the perimeter of the building, and in this c ase they are provided with an external suspended layer having the same insulation properties of that of the cladding panels. Their foundations are made with inverted- T beams to be completed with cast -in-situ concrete pouring of the lower portion of the foundation. Precast piles may be included for deep foundations .
- Also the complementary elements are made in the factory
- The structural and technical c onnections allow a dry assemblage
Several precast elements for the completion of the construction are produced in the factory.Also the structural and technic al connections of these elements are engineered with dry technology in order to allow a quick assembl age.
These elements are :
- Stairs
- Lift block
- Bath block
- Kitchen block
- Plasterboard internal partitions
- Vertical block for MEP equipment